About Us

Okay, most people reading this blog will know who we are. But, just in case you only know one of us, here are the basics:

Maegan (blog writer, homeowner)

Job: Teacher
UK or UofL? UK 
Favorite Movie: Liar, Liar
Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking, learning new things from the Internet, ordering things from Amazon (but not shopping), and now -- working on the house!
Favorite Thing About the New House: Deck

Cody (blog reader, homeowner)

Job: Manufacturing Engineer
UK or UofL? UofL
Favorite movie: Fight Club
Favorite Book: The Outsiders
Favorite Hobbies: Playing guitar, listening to music, custom fabrication, cooking
Favorite Thing About the New House: Garage

I think we all know each other a little better now. Questions? Leave them in the comments.

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