Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It's Electrifying!

Don't worry, no one gets electrocuted in this post! We have been doing some electrical work, but we were really careful, because getting shocked does not sound fun.

This was not us.

We decided to run some new lights in the house for so many reasons. The first was that the living room had no lights. So, that would be pretty gloomy since I don't own very many lamps, and I like using light switches. Secondly, since we made the master bedroom bigger and framed a closet, we were short on lights in that room as well. Thirdly, we thought we could do it.

The only problem is that electrical work is the most confusing project I can think of. Imagine a thousand iPhones plugged in with extra long cords, but all those cords are tangled up into a ball before connecting to the thousands of phones. Then, try to figure out which cord goes to this phone, or that one, or any of them. Confusing, right?

I have no idea what is going on here.

Luckily, it was Phillip to the rescue again! With his expertise, we were able to figure things out and get things done. Cody learned a ton about electric and houses. I learned a little, but I'm definitely not going to quit my day job to go be an electrician.

Still no idea. But I follow directions well.

 Our fixture of choice: Recessed can lights. We quickly became obsessed with recessed lighting after we fixed up the closet/dressing area.

Oh, and we put up a closet wall. No big deal.

Those lights were pretty easy to put in, not very expensive, and look really, really classy (at least we think so!). Plus, cutting out all those circles in the ceiling built up my arm muscles. So...we put them everywhere.

Bathrooms: Recessed!

Hallway: Recessed!

Living Room: Recessed! 

Not pictured: above the kitchen sink and stairs leading to basement - also recessed!

Of course, we'll have other normal lights too. Ceiling fans and a dining room fixture are to come. But for right now, we are just happy to see some things start to look the way we want. How happy? This much:

That will be there forever. You're welcome, house.

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