Thursday, February 26, 2015

Closing Time

We did it! We signed all the papers, listened to all the people, and took a picture:

We bought a house!

This is us and our lovely Realtor. She has been so amazing and helpful through this entire process. Let's give a shout out to Delaine! Even though she had to drive an hour away, she was there (and arrived earlier than we did). "I don't miss a closing." - Words from the best. We love ya!

Side note: I took that pen. I don't feel bad about that.

Work starts tomorrow. We've been talking about this for months, and now it's real.

Since I have to go to an English Teacher Conference for part of the weekend, Cody will have his hands full. I'll be missing the first few steps, but, rest assured: I will come back from TeacherWorld as the best little helper you can find. I will have to, since we only have 20 days to finish the drywall work. 

Obviously, we had to prep for tomorrow with our first trip to Home Depot.

I think we're ready to fix some walls.

So. We have a house. We're homeowners. I think the best way to end this post is with a list of what is most exciting.

Maegan and Cody's Favorite Things About Our New Home

  • There's a basement. We will finish it.
  • On that note, it's a walkout!
  • The breakfast/hangout bar idea we have for the kitchen
  • The hardwood floors under the terrible carpet
  • The porch is already set up for a swing. (Cue: Just a Swingin' by John Anderson)
  • Cody has a garage.
  • Maegan will have an awesome closet.
and lastly...

  • We own it! It's ours!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Post #1: Buying a House

Right now I am feeling excited, anxious, ambitious, and overwhelmed. Why? Because we just bought a house! Most homeowners know the feeling. But, I'm feeling excited, anxious, ambitious, and overwhelmed times a thousand. Why? Because we just bought a house that needs some extra TLC (also times a thousand). As we approach our closing date, my head has been filled with measurements, ideas, costs of those ideas, little sketches on notepads, and trying my best not to spend hours of surfing Google Image searches of "neatest bookshelves."

I watched three and a half hours of House Crashers on the DIY channel today. I can't say I'm ashamed, or proud really. It's just a fact.

I wanted to document these feelings and these experiences. This is partly because I want to remember what this is like, partly because I've never done this before, and partly to brag to my friends and family. (Not equal parts...more like a 40-40-20.) I'll start this documentation off with a picture of our new abode!

There she is! Well, what she looks like right now, anyway. Closing date is coming soon, and the remodel will begin shortly after. I'll try to keep those feelings in check.