Saturday, February 21, 2015

Post #1: Buying a House

Right now I am feeling excited, anxious, ambitious, and overwhelmed. Why? Because we just bought a house! Most homeowners know the feeling. But, I'm feeling excited, anxious, ambitious, and overwhelmed times a thousand. Why? Because we just bought a house that needs some extra TLC (also times a thousand). As we approach our closing date, my head has been filled with measurements, ideas, costs of those ideas, little sketches on notepads, and trying my best not to spend hours of surfing Google Image searches of "neatest bookshelves."

I watched three and a half hours of House Crashers on the DIY channel today. I can't say I'm ashamed, or proud really. It's just a fact.

I wanted to document these feelings and these experiences. This is partly because I want to remember what this is like, partly because I've never done this before, and partly to brag to my friends and family. (Not equal parts...more like a 40-40-20.) I'll start this documentation off with a picture of our new abode!

There she is! Well, what she looks like right now, anyway. Closing date is coming soon, and the remodel will begin shortly after. I'll try to keep those feelings in check.

1 comment:

  1. Maegan, I'm excited that you decided to record your remodel by blogging. I read a lot of blogs on quilting and quilter's. It will awesome to go back and read about this experience later in your life. Especially the part about wanting to hit Cody in the head with the hammer. lol.
