Thursday, February 26, 2015

Closing Time

We did it! We signed all the papers, listened to all the people, and took a picture:

We bought a house!

This is us and our lovely Realtor. She has been so amazing and helpful through this entire process. Let's give a shout out to Delaine! Even though she had to drive an hour away, she was there (and arrived earlier than we did). "I don't miss a closing." - Words from the best. We love ya!

Side note: I took that pen. I don't feel bad about that.

Work starts tomorrow. We've been talking about this for months, and now it's real.

Since I have to go to an English Teacher Conference for part of the weekend, Cody will have his hands full. I'll be missing the first few steps, but, rest assured: I will come back from TeacherWorld as the best little helper you can find. I will have to, since we only have 20 days to finish the drywall work. 

Obviously, we had to prep for tomorrow with our first trip to Home Depot.

I think we're ready to fix some walls.

So. We have a house. We're homeowners. I think the best way to end this post is with a list of what is most exciting.

Maegan and Cody's Favorite Things About Our New Home

  • There's a basement. We will finish it.
  • On that note, it's a walkout!
  • The breakfast/hangout bar idea we have for the kitchen
  • The hardwood floors under the terrible carpet
  • The porch is already set up for a swing. (Cue: Just a Swingin' by John Anderson)
  • Cody has a garage.
  • Maegan will have an awesome closet.
and lastly...

  • We own it! It's ours!

1 comment:

  1. Keep on keeping us posted. One of the things I did when we remodeled the cabin was kept a journal of all expenditures. That way I was able to track how much we put into the project and where and when we bought specific items. For years I referred back to that journal to check out items if we had a problem.
