Sunday, April 19, 2015

Projects and Catchphrases

We are home early on Sunday, and so super ecstatic. Why? We are finished hanging drywall!


This is awesome, because we can see the floors again. And we can't see any insulation OR studs in the walls. It looks like a real house now! My favorite transformation is the kitchen.

Before and Now

The weird slanted wall is gone, we'll get to raise the cabinets, the bar looks awesome, and we have enough outlets now. We also took out all of the back splash above those cabinets, so that we can continue it throughout the kitchen. If having the drywall up makes me this excited, I can't imagine what painting will do. 

The other exciting project was the pocket door that we put in the foyer closet. Phillip came to help us with this, thank goodness. It was awfully confusing. The first time, we put it in upside down.

There's a sticker on one of those boards. We just thought that the people at the pocket door factory put it on upside down. We laughed at ourselves for a bit, took the whole thing out, and put it back...rightside up.

It really works!

So, the week has been productive. One thing that I've noticed through this entire process, is that as we work on these projects, we start to use the same phrases over and over. I wanted to make a glossary of these phrases and their meanings, because they make me laugh. Here it is:

Alright, alright! means "We're going to get started now," use in the morning or when you just arrive.
Aaaalriiiight similar to the above, means "This step is complete, moving on to the next one."
Let's do something, even if it's wrong. means "We've been talking about this for ten minutes. Let's just do it." Use after taking a break.
Boy, you are just like lightening! Never hit the same place twice. A classic Phillip phrase to use when someone is using a hammer.
Slow down, gunpowder! also a classic Phillip phrase for when someone is moving too fast, or is in a hurry for no reason.
That's good and straight. means "That's not straight. At all."
This is going to be fun. means "This is going to be really difficult," or "I don't have any idea how to start this."
You going to measure that, or were you just going to guess? use when someone is skipping an obvious step.
You sure you have enough screws in that? use when someone put in way too many screws in a something. Example below.

That'll hold it. Probably.

One more phrase we use ALL the time (and it's kind of my favorite):

How awesome will this be when we're done?! means exactly what it sounds like. Use when you feel especially proud, or just need a reminder that it's all worth it.

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