Monday, May 11, 2015

A Splash of Color and a Huge Surprise

The weeks seem to be flying. The school year is coming to an end quickly, and it already feels like summer. We're so ready to be living in this house, we can't stand it!

On Friday night, I painted the ceilings. I quickly learned that when you're slinging rollers over your head, paint gets everywhere. I was covered in little white freckles by the time I was finished. I wore a hat, to keep it from getting in my hair, and it still found it's way in there. Word to the wise: if you ever paint a ceiling, wear a shirt you don't care about. Light colors are probably better. And if you typically wear glasses, put in your darn contacts.

Probably the most unattractive selfie in existence. 

However, life is still happening and sometimes we have to do things on the weekends. This past weekend, my dear, dear friend Chelsea had a wedding shower near my hometown. Of course I wasn't going to miss it. Even though I was so happy to see her and celebrate her wedding, I was pretty sad to leave the house for a couple days.

The shower was beautiful, and I had a great time! It happened to be on Mother's Day weekend, so I got to celebrate with my beautiful Grandma and Step-mom the next day. It was a good visit, and Cody was hard at work on the house while I was gone.

I kept in touch over the weekend, and he had said things were slow-going. We had installed a garbage disposal, and something with the plumbing wasn't working out. Phillip was there to help us on that, and things just weren't shaping up (or so Cody said...more on that later).


I couldn't get over this. WHY IS THERE AN EXTRA L? If someone knows, please explain it to me. I don't know if it's just a catchy name, a weird (yet somehow acceptable) spelling, or if it was the old-school way to do things. If I had had my red ink pen...oh, GE would have been in trouble.

Anyway, I came back to Louisville expecting to paint. That's what Cody and I had planned to do for the week. I had plans to be at the house every day after school to get some actual color on the walls!

Cody beat me to the house and was sitting on the swing when I arrived. I thought that was strange, since he had our bag of work clothes, and normally has some sort of project he's been thinking about all day at work. Regardless, I put it out of my mind and unlocked the door.

That's not the primer we did last week...

I was shocked!

The walls were painted, the ceiling fans were up, outlet and light switch covers were attached, and in EVERY ROOM! I couldn't believe it. I just kept going into different rooms and squealing like a little girl. Cody followed me around; all sheepish and grinning.

"Do you like it?" he had asked. 

"Really?!" My reaction was probably hysterical. Because yes, yes of course I liked it!

Apparently, both Cody's mom and dad were there on Saturday. They not only fixed the plumbing issues, but painted all evening and worked late. I can't even begin to describe my gratitude and surprise. I'm so lucky to be coming into such a caring and hardworking family! Thank you so much, Terri, Phillip, and Cody. You are all completely wonderful.

Okay, now for some pictures:

Master Bedroom/Closet

Master Bedroom



Everything looked amazing. They only left our accent wall, so that I could paint that little guy. So that's what I did this afternoon:

Wet Paint

So, things are starting to come together. Stay tuned for our upcoming adventure with floors!

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